Version History
Day Organizer, ver. 3.1.0 (March 2018)
Added Added a new Active column and button in the Calendar Selection window. The button activates/deactivates planning calendars to display/do not display them in the Calendar Selection on the Navigation Pane and in the event form under Copy to selected calendars.
Added Added a new Reminder column in the Events with current reminders and All events with reminders window. It displays/does not display Event reminder periods. Displaying/not displaying the Reminder column is definable in the Reminder Settings.
Added Added a new Active column and button in the Event Attributes window. The button activates/deactivates event attributes to display/do not display them in the menu above selected event, in the event form and Event Settings. Deactivated an event attribute is displayed only for events that use this event attribute.
Fixed Fixed search events with a range longer then one day through the Search Events window. An event with a range longer then one day that had a end date within a search range or after a search end date was not searched if a start date was before a search start date.
Fixed Fixed search events through the Search Events when using weekly filtering. Previously, an event in a range longer then one day was searched even if search events was set to not display days of the week in which the event for a selected search range was, and was not on other days of the week for a selected search range.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. 3.0.0 (March 2017)
Changed The Subject field has been extended to the length of 500 characters in the event form.
Changed In the Events with current reminders, All events with reminders and Events Found window more efficient refresh.
Added A menu with items for creating a new event or pasting a copied event in the current planning calendar is automatically displayed after selecting cells more than one. The event beginning is copied from the first selected cell and the event end from the last selected cell.
Added Added to Event Settings:
  • Reminder - will pre-fill the default option in a new event.
Added Added to Reminder Settings:
  • Esc key response in the Events with current reminders window:
    • Esc - Cancel (close the window).
    • Esc - Minimize (minimize the window to the main bar).
Added Added in the full view of the application in the main menu:
  • Help - Translation (link to the "Contact" section of the home website).
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. (March 2016)
Added User interface in Russian.
Removed Removed in the full view of the application in the main menu:
  • Help - Translation (link to the home website).
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. (March 2015)
Added Added in the full view of the application in the main menu:
  • Help - Translation (link to the home website).
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. (March 2014)
Added Added to the definition form of search events:
  • Toolbar
Added Added to the Search Events form:
  • Filter condition Week where any day of the week can be (un)selected. Searched events are now filtered for the selected days of the week.
Added Now is possible to create a new event or paste a copied event in the current planning calendar behind the selected cells (more than one). The event beginning is copied from the first selected cell and the event end from the last selected cell.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. (May 2013)
Added Added to the event form toolbar:
  • Copy
  • Preview
  • Print
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. (March 2013)
Changed The search criteria for use of the && (AND) concatenation operator has been changed in the Search Events form and III tab. The && (AND) concatenation operator currently works with Subject, Location and Note as if this was one common piece of data.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. (April 2012)
Changed The application changed from shareware to freeware (non-registered license).
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. (March 2012)
Changed A new HTTP configuration. This is used when checking for updates, application activation, etc.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. 2.2.1 (March 2011)
Added Definition of an arbitrary number of event attributes with arbitrary colours and positions.
Added Added to the Search Events form:
  • Two new more sophisticated conditions to search events.
  • Soncatenation operator && (AND) and || (OR).
  • Start Date and End Date can be adjusted in the Definition for the Always today option from –999 to 9999 days.
Added Added to Reminder Settings:
Added Added to the context menu above a place without event and above a marked event:
  • Paste event (period from copy)
Added Status Bar displays:
Added Navigation Pane can be modified through context menu with the following options:
  • Small monthly calendar - sets the small monthly calendar display mode to:
    • 1 month
    • 2 months
    • 3 months
  • Calendar Selection - show / hide.
  • Week - show / hide.
  • Analogue Clock - show / hide.
Added Analogue Clock can be modified through context menu with the following options:
  • Seconds Hand - show / hide.
  • Size:
    • Small
    • Large
  • Colour – sets any colour.
Added Calendar Selection, Week and Status Bar can be modified through context menu with the following options:
  • Black - sets black text colour.
  • Grey - sets grey text colour.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. 2.1.5 (December 2010)
Changed User interface improved.
Changed Current planning calendar and small monthly calendar improved.
Added The F2 key edits Subject on a marked event.
Added Added to the context menu above a marked event:
  • Type
  • Attribute
  • New event
  • Paste event
Added In the full view of the application in the main menu, the following was added:
Added Backup Calendar allows to generate the backup file name.
Added Calendar Settings allows to set one of the 15 background colors of the current planning calendar for the Office 2007 theme.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. 2.1.4 (September 2010)
Added Small monthly calendar displays the 1 month, 2 months or 3 months according to Calendar Settings.
Added In the full view of the application in the main menu, the following was added:
Added MS Windows x64 (64 bit) support implemented.
Fixed In the event form fixed formatting of the Subject field according to the length of the text entered.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. 2.1.3 (July 2010)
Added User interface in Spanish, French and Italian.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. 2.1.2 (April 2010)
Added Small monthly calendar displays the week numbers according to Calendar Settings.
Fixed Entry of accented characters (ó, Ó, ď, Ď, etc.) when using consecutive keystrokes was fixed in the event form.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. 2.1.1 (March 2010)
Added Help in English.
Added In the full view of the application in the main menu, the following was added:
Added In the event form the Save button was renamed to Save and close and a toolbar was added with these options:
  • Save - saves the edited event and leaves the form open.
  • Delete - deletes the edited event from the current planning calendar.
  • Search - looks for the entered text.
Added Added to the Search Events form:
  • Reminder filtering for all, active and postponed events with reminders.
  • Definition of an arbitrary number of event search conditions.
Added Open event processing mode when the application exits and display mode of the number of the week added to the Calendar Settings.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. 2.0.10 (December 2009)
Changed Changed the algorithm calculating the number of the week according to ISO 8601 if the first day of the week is Monday.
Day Organizer, ver. 2.0.9 (December 2009)
Added Unicode international character set support implemented.
Changed Configuration data moved from text files to the CONFIG.MDB database.
Changed View of the current planning calendar Month displays 7 columns. 6 columns were displayed previously, and the last column was shared by Saturday and Sunday.
Fixed Event search algorithm was fixed in the Search Events form.
Fixed In the All events with reminders form, the algorithm that provides event search with a first active reminder and postpones event reminders to another term was fixed.
Fixed When the All events with reminders window is open and there are events with current reminders, the Events with current reminders window displays automatically now.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. 2.0.8 (October 2009)
Fixed The automatic opening of the Events with current reminders window after deleting any event if an event with a current reminder occurs now works.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. 2.0.7 (June 2009)
Added Day of the week added to the Preview events after the starting and ending date of each event.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. 2.0.6 (April 2009)
Changed Configuration data moved from the application folder to the application folder of the currently logged user. This change provides:
  • Separate configuration parameters for each PC user.
  • The application can be used even with the Limited access / User with standard permissions account in MS Windows.
  • The application can be used in MS Windows Vista even with the User Account Control turned on.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. 2.0.5 (April 2009)
Added A pop-up list to select any planning calendar and number of the week for the selected day and week added in the full view of the application under the small monthly calendar.
Added Search and export to RPT, PDF, XLS, DOC a RTF files added to the Preview events.
Added In the full view of the application in the main menu, the following was added:
Added In the full view of the application in the toolbar the icons were rearranged and new icons Refresh Calendar, Calendar Page Setup, Search Events and Backup Calendar were added.
Added A new event can be created from a copy of an already filed event in the current planning calendar.
Added Automatic refresh definition for the current planning calendar and the Standard and Office 2007 themes added to the Calendar Settings.
Added Reminder, Event Type, Event Attribute, Background color for events found, Location, and Copy a new event to selected calendars added to the Event Settings.
Added Automatically check for updates added to the Application Startup.
Added Return the event reminder to a previous term, Go to calendar and Preview added to the All events with reminders.
Added Remind when the application exits, Go to calendar and Preview added to the Events with current reminders.
Added Default selection of the planning calendar added to the Calendar Selection.
Added Copy to selected calendars added to the New event.
Fixed If while creating a new event another event is being edited then after Event Recurrence is called the start date is correctly pre-filled from the current event. Previously, the start date was copied from the last edited event.
Fixed Fixed Single Event spanning several days and an ocurrence of a recurring event with a time period changed directly in the planning calendar to behave correctly as follows:
  • the event end date is loaded. Previously, it was loaded to the event start date or the end date of the next event.
  • saves the event end date. Previously the previous event end date was added to the date.
Small modifications.
Day Organizer, ver. 1.0.4 (September 2008)
Added The event time period setting displays the current planning calendar for a day and work week in the relevant time resolution.
Added Application launched in the Tray Bar can now be terminated by clicking the top right cross of the open full view or by the Alt-F4 key combination. Previously the application could only be terminated on the Tray Bar.
Changed In the Tray Bar it is possible to switch between the Show and Hide mode with a single click on the application icon on the Tray Bar, while a double-click was required previously.
Changed Columns Minutes and Description swapped in the Event reminder periods window.
Changed The full view header shows only Day Organizer. The About... window shows the version number.
Changed Application renamed from DayOrganizer to Day Organizer.
Small modifications.
DayOrganizer, ver. 1.0.3 (May 2008)